Food Service Solutions

Our experience working with food distribution companies has identified four key benefits the MaetaData platform brings to our clients:

  • Ingredient to Recipe Transparency
  • Diverse Supplier Management
  • Multi-Stakeholder Compliance and Reporting
  • Multi-Region Reporting

From product discovery to procurement and reporting, our tools bring innovation and diversity to menus, program management and reporting that supports regional supply chain success.


      Supply Chain Visibility

    • Ingredient to Recipe Transparency
    • Dietary Attributes and Allergens
    • Environmental and Human Health
    • Locally Sourced Programming
    • Animal Welfare
    • Non-Food and GHG Emissions


   Product and Supplier Marketplace

    • Regional Supplier Management
    • Certification/Food Safety Management
    • Local Farm Network Development
    • FarmLogix Local Product Marketplace
    • MealsUp Local Vendor Marketplace
    • Custom Sourcing Solutions

     Reporting and Analytics

    • Enterprise Dashboards
    • Self-Service Customer Reporting
    • Hyper-Customization Configuration
    • Custom Reporting Templates

Customer satisfaction is directly linked to the visibility you provide into the source and quality of the ingredients and products you sell. Open Fields provides:

  • Catalog attribution by 85+ sustainable attributes and custom definitions for local sourcing
  • Search and filter capabilities
  • Identifiable sourcing gaps and opportunities

Gaps in local procurement and supply chain diversity are filled through our transparent marketplace and supplier management platform.

  • Local and diverse farm and community business support
  • Agricultural and local business regional marketplaces
  • Supplier diversity reporting
  • Backend supplier compliance management
  • Traceability, labeling and barcoding tools

Machine learning and AI drive hyper-customizable reporting where no standard definitions for local and sustainable exist.

  • Game-changing reporting capabilities
  • Automated Enterprise and CSR reporting
  • Hyper-customizable filters
    Self-service dashboards

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